Notes on Creativity Through English
Wings of Change students warm up
Warm Up Matters!
We know about the importance for warming up when it comes to sports. Loosening up, separating from what happend before, getting ready for what's to come helps us to prepare for the task mentally and physically. Just as atheletes stretch for before a physical work out or game, limbering up the mind for mental work is equally important when in comes to preparing for learning or working on projects.
Jump starting a session raises the group’s energy and helps the class to achieve better results faster. Here’s what else warm up do for us, especially when it is comes to problem solving:
practice tools and techniques
learn or review rules
become more comfortable working as a team
establish an environment that encourages fun and exploration
To be more creative, warm ups are intentionally silly and center on common, neutral topics. This is because an imaginative mindset is actually useful for ‘serious’ problem solving. Counterintuitive? Maybe. Consider this: the capacity for organized thinking is key in working through complexity. Since imaginative thinking is unlimited, it only makes sense to limber up the mind for possiblities to emerge.
Warm up and get silly. Then you are ready for work.