How to Become Creative
To be creative is to be schooled in creativity.
As a reminder, creativity is problem solving. So if you’re thinking, “I’m not creative,” consider this -
Ever have to figure out what to wear, what to cook, how to get to work because of a traffic jam or power outage? To live is have problems and to solve problems is to grow creatively.
Now, imagine adding intention and skills to influence the quality of outcomes, solutions and resolve…
And if you really want to know what creativity is about, then look at what creatives do. Every single artist has to solve a problem. They need to get to a product, an outcome a solution, a thing that we as audience members or consumers can enjoy…and buy.
Let’s pause here and take this in. (Incubation is one of the principals for creativity, by the way).
Think about an artistic rendition of anything. What do you experience? What happens? Answer: A resonance.
Art has an often inexplicable resonant quality. That’s what makes art art. A certain .’je ne sais quoi’ quality for probing and poking invites the consumer to see and to consider something differently. We feel something different because of the art. We’re moved to consider new thoughts. And with any luck, we may even think something differently as a result and approach life differently.
While we as audience members generally consume art as products, we rarely engage in the creative process that culminates in product. This is the creative education we’re missing, at least in part.
What comes before the creative product is the creative process.
To become creative, we must learn the hows of creative process.
Everyone is born with a seed of creativity. Very unfortunately, creativity is taught out of us by second grade, according to creativity scholars. Sad, right?
And then there’s the good news.
Everyone can and should develop their creativity. It’s only the number one professional skill in demand in the world today… Become creative - get your creative ‘how’ on.
Connecting Creativity to Business
If it's not linear and obviously sequential, it is complex. Businesses have processes for complexity. There's Lean Six Sigma, Agile, Design Thinking etc. All of the common process models focus on particular aspects of complex problem. What's more, they overlook the problem solving preferences of the people solving problems.
People First: everyone has an innate preference / approach to complex problem solving. When we know (rather than just follow) our instincts, we tap into our innate preferences for problem solving. Teams have a cognitive diversity profile and when known become more efficient, effective and tolerant. When it comes to complex problem solving, it's measurable personal preference, not personality that determines where individuals gain and lose energy in problem solving. The awareness of innate preference for aspects of problem solving among team members is key for building innovative ready teams.
Universal Process: The creative model for complexity and innovation
Complex problem solving requires equal and ample energy on clarifying, ideation, developing ideas into solutions and implementation of actionable plans. This Creative Problem Solving process is rooted in advertising (BBDO) though has universal applicability. Certain problem solving models models align with certain types of business. For everything else, however, it would be like skipping a grade. Companies without vision do not last. Companies that don't develop ideas miss a critical step; ideas are incomplete thoughts.
In my work, I put people first. The cognitive diversity of the team is key for well-being, intrinsic motivation and efficiency. I facilitate for all aspects of Creative Problem Solving.
Creativity is the #1 soft skill in demand in the world today. Change is natural. Creative Leadership is a sense of being with skills that drive change. People + Creative Process = Innovation Readiness.
Visionary companies outlast all others.
Unlike a mission, something for myself, a vision is purposeful in that it accredits effort to a higher purpose. Visionaries and visionary companies are in it for the betterment of humanity.
Visions pull us toward a desired future state. How we get there is the magical part and truly the journey.
Visionary thinking is straight up creative process at work.
So I host a visionary session for a couple who are about to go on holiday. I’ve visioned for my own family holidays so I absolutely want to help them have a wonderful holiday.
On return my friend calls me and says literally this, “ I am amazed at the quality of the holiday we had and I know it had to do with the visioning session. We ended exactly on the high we envisioned in our session before we left.”
Since most everything driving us is in our subconscious mind, it’s worth contemplating what really are our deepest thoughts.
What’s really cool about visioning is that we truly can influence a situation and outcome.
Visioning: works for holidays, life and life goals.
What’s your how?
The executive step.
Where are we in the problem?
What's actually the problem? What's the next step?
The creative process always begins with problem finding. Because complex problems are well, complex, there are many entry and exit points. The problem identified is the problem solved. That's why extra time to find the real problem is worth it.
Einstein said it best, "if I had an hour to solve a problem, I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions."
How much time does it take to find the real problem? As usual, it depends. Recent research shows that when skilled in creativity, it takes approximately 5-7 minutes to problem find.
Perhaps a better question is do you have time to waste time?
Problem finding starts with gathering information. Just like doctors diagnose, we creative problem solving facilitators begin the same way. We call it The Executive Step. Assessing the situation is a metacognitive gateway for where to begin.
What counts as data? Creative Problem Solving is holistic. Head and heart matters matter. As with the entire CPS process, the dynamic balance is central every step of the way.
Gather data, then decide.