Solution Finding, Creativity, Education Tanya Knudsen Solution Finding, Creativity, Education Tanya Knudsen



Purpose for doing good combined with imaginative processes brings novel solutions into real game changing reality. That’s what I am about. Its called a new Ph balance.

Purpose plus how for new solution finding.

Purpose and processes could be perfect partners for social innovation. A compelling ‘why,’ is leads to purposeful work. Purposeful work, any work, is a minefield, however. Process in work is decisive in shaping outcome. A new Ph balance combines purpose with imaginative processes for novel solution finding. Useful and novel solutions edge old patterns instigating action in the direction of intention and resolution.

To have purpose is to have a compelling ‘why.’ Compelling is key, because a burning desire to do anything is the absolute guarantor for getting anything done. Purpose has value, meaning. Intrinsic motivation the the driving force to get a job done.

Finding a path toward purposeful work takes a two-pronged creative approach.

First, how does the problem solver think? What is their energy wave when tackling a challenge? It is at the beginning, do they want to complete the task and just get it done, or is it something else? Know anyone who asks a million annoying questions? That’s a different and important kind of energy to solve problems.

Knowing what part of the challenge energizes us for problem solving helps in two ways. First, knowing what we are good at is always great. We feel good doing what comes naturally to us. Second, knowing where we have gaps is awesome for building a well-rounded team.

Second, what might be all the ways to solve a problem? How do we know what exactly the problem is? Creative, or imaginative thinking for problem has been around for decades. The real beauty of imaginative thinking is the opportunity to shape outcome. Creative thinking is the new lingua franca to discover and craft a novel solution that is both unique and practical.

The Ph balance is the key to growing plants aeroponically. Get this right and the system mostly will take care of itself.

How might a new Ph Balance, where social innovation or doing good can emerge through the unlimited potential of applied imagination? That is the question for our times.

The world is a mess. Our creativity got us here. It can get us out. Let’s get some creativity on for novel solutions. Our quality of life depends on how we respond to the creations we have made.

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